
CrownMakers est un hébergeur et un fournisseur de services basé en France et à Londres en Angleterre. Depuis 2011, nous accompagnons les entreprises et nos clients situés un peu partout dans le monde, grâce à notre service d'hébergement de site web, ou d'applications, ou encore l'hébergement de serveurs web, emails, ou tout autres contenus.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Interest in numeric domain names, fueled primarily by demand form Chinese buyers, has surged this year. The major domain brokerages and sales platforms are well aware of that, of course, and are taking steps to facilitate more transactions between eager buyers and willing sellers. Just today Sedo announced they have added a new search filter that will only show numeric domain names in the search results. The company noted “This is valuable for all Sedo customers but will especially impact our Chinese customers whose interest in numeric domains continue to grow at a rapid rate.” Read more[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]